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welcome to my blog ♥
if you are unhappy with anything , just go away .
DONT complain about me changing the skin. got bored of the old one.
had so many different choices, but i am keeping the ELMO (trademark??) XD



HER <3s

everything if possible. sometimes, its impossible. so whatever i can. i guess.


-Aly and AJ (Insomniatic / Into the Rush)
-Ashley Tisdale (Guilty Pleasure)
^^DONE^^-David Archuleta (Self-titled album)
-Jennifer Lopez (Do It Well / Brave)
-JoJo (The High Road / Too Little Too Late )
-Kelly Clarkson (Breakaway / All I Ever Wanted)
-Matt Giraud (whatever album he makes)
-Power Hits 2
-Demi Lovato (Don't Forget)
^^DONE^^-Taylor Swift (Fearless)
^^DONE^^*Converse shoes
*To visit somewhere with REAL snow
^^DONE^^*New Wallet
-Monsters vs Aliens
^^DONE^^-Night In A Museum 2
^^DONE^^-17 Again
^^DONE^^-The Hannah Montana Movie
^^DONE^^-Race To Witch Mountain -New Moon



please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X
pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

Friday, August 28, 2009 ♥

okay so i'm like FINALLY posting!! yay!!! hahaha. i'm bored i guess. yeah anyway, my newest favourite singer is JAY SEAN!!! ahahhaha. go listen to 'down' haha. okay. fun fact: he's indian but he was born in britain i think and has a british accent. hehehe. or some accent lah. but it's nice. muahahahha. okay. so. erm. nothing much to post about really, except that homework and pressure is mounting because all the projects are like suddenly coming to us at once and it's really really stressful :S yeah okay anyway all that really matters is that I'M POSTING after once in dunno how long. muahahhaha okay. so. i suppose that's kinda all... short post yeah.... anyway....
and dont forget,
sashaaaa (:

still a child at heart...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 ♥

hellooooos! okay so... update on my life!
it's the june HOLIDAYS!
and on tuesday i went out with Deon, Faith, Brenda, Gwenda and Brenda's sister.
we went to Escape Theme Park!
woohoo! it wasn't really fun.... they closed like 3 rides man!
the flipper, inverter and RAINBOW were closed ok. =.=
but at least the log ride was finally opened.
yup and even though the park itself was pretty boring, we all had fun i guess. (:
and today... *trumpet fanfare*
i went to Cathay Cineleisure Orchard
with Faith, Amy and Aisyah.
and guess what??!!?!!?!
we wasted 11 dollars on one stupid neoprint machine
which wasn't even worth it cos i accidentally pressed the done button
before we decorated anything.
i mean we decorated a bit but not much.
so now i feel really bad =.= s
o we decided to take again and i paid for half of it but luckily it was only 6 dollars this time.
and it was like soooooo much more worth it
(more pictures, better quality, better decoration options, extended decoration time).
and we were regretting not going there in the first place.
yeah it was at timezone the pathetic one was at some sparkly little neos shop.=.=l
and after that we watched...
i actually enjoyed it lah.
and i must be really weird cos i cried.
yeah everyone was laughing at me.
and then saying really loudly,
"It's okay don't cry sasha." =.=
anyway i enjoyed the movie
and we spent quite a lot of money today:O
well it was fun i guess. okay update over.


still a child at heart...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 ♥

helloooos peeps :)
okayys so time for me to do a nice looong post XD

yay!! i've done a lot of planning already for where to go and who to go with and when etc. basically, i'll b having a lot of outings which = FUN HOLIDAYYSsssSS

YAY! so... it's the last week of school now. most of the food stalls have already closed. T.T so now it's like food shortage!!!! no lah, it just means that there is quite a lot of limitations on choices of food. =.=

It's the last week....but i can't stand staying here anymore.... i wanna have the hols like NOW. i totally need my break from everything. just time for chilling and relaxing. ohyeah, i'm going to HONG KONG OMG WOOHOO YAY.

i've become like the swear patrol, catching those peeps who enjoy swearing, which they shouldnt b doing at all XP yeah so, u might want to watch what you say if you're around me :) just a warning. lol. :) ohyeahh..... also in june.....

MY COUSIN IS COMING FOR A VISIT. woohoo!!! from america.... havent seen her in like ages n ages n ages. they l8r on in july my other cousins are coming too. i havent seen them in like even longer +.+ yeah okayy so i want to stop writing now but this post isn't long enough yet so i will continue.

*Night at a Museum 2
*Monsters vs Aliens
*hmm.... havent decided yet

kk thats so far lah. might b more! yay! lols so basically i'm all ready for the magnificent holidays to finally arrive. this last week is torture. lol. ok.

well that's about it i gotta go for tuition soon anyways so ...
SaSha (: :)

still a child at heart...

Saturday, May 2, 2009 ♥

OMG!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!!
twas labour day yesterday. and i wanted to go out.
then no one was free. so faith n i went out with AmY, rgps fren.
(: we went to plaza sing. and on the way there i freaked out cos i thot i missed the stop, then i realised i was just worrying myself which was really dumb cos i had like another 10 stops.
=.= i was taking the bus btw. yeah so i met them at dhoby ghaut mrt. then we walked to plaza sing and bought tickets to 17 again.
XD yeah so then we hung around for a while, went to burger king. those two greedy ppl stuffed their faces so in the end i ate most of the popcorn cos they ate like horses at burger king.
especially faith.
yeah then we went to watch the movie which was AWESOME.
thenn we went for NEOPRINTS OH YEAH OH YEAH HOORAY!!!!!
dontcha just love em neos?? XD and it was realli funny cos faith went and spent all of amy's money when she was only supposed to spend 7 bucks so amy was so cute while being pissed.
and we were all laughing our heads off and now im so happy i went out with them cos it was AWESOME.AWESOME.AWESOME.
<3 SaShA !!!!!!

still a child at heart...

Saturday, April 25, 2009 ♥

okay... i'm totally transforming my music box. i'm SICK of the same music ova and ova again. so now i'm changing all my tunes. i'm into EVANESCENCE now. if u noe me well, u'd noe im not emo and wouldnt expect me to listen to them but... i dono, i guess i'm just into it now. XD SUITS MY BLOG SKIN RITE??? *meeting my long lost emo side* XDXD also putting in right round by flo rida i dont really like the song but it has an addictive chorus. and credits to JESSIE for hooking me on JESSE MCCARTNEY. some lady gaga too... poker face!!!! brenda can do a good poker face can't she?? XD

when i feel like it i guess i'll put in some more music. for now, ENJOY! !!!! XD

still a child at heart...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ♥

OKAYYYY I REALISED SMTH!!!! i havent been posting very often... and my blog might rott. so i went to post on the class blog first... and wrote a lame ice cream poem.... yeah....

ANYWAYYYs today i went to United Square with Deon, Faith, Jessie, Gwenda, Wei Ye, Pei Lin, Grace, Cheng Mun, Wen Qing, Brenda, Meg, Nat and Jia Qi. LoL!!! we went for the ben n jerrys free cone day !!!!!! the queue was so long it was SCARY... SERIOUSLY!!!! so instead of bothering with the stupid queue, we went down to Minimelts and had ice cream with no queue!!! i had um... ohya RAINBOW with VANILLA and COOKIE BITS. and later me n jessie went back again for corn. (: yum yum ok..... then... uh we went upstairs to just check out everything i guess around the ben n jerrys place... then i saw SAM from church in the queue who let me cut (they were almost at the front) and yeah so i got ice cream (:(:(: ty sam!!! :D and then i was eating vanilla. yeah and after that... um. what happened ah? >.
<3, sash

still a child at heart...

Saturday, March 14, 2009 ♥

what should ur real name be
Your Result: Vanessa

Your name should be vanessa ur a smartgirl sometimes clumsy but is very smart you are a neat freak nothing messy and sometimes have a crush on famous guys..

what should ur real name be
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

HEhe yes the last part is kinda true. I like David Archuleta and the guy who played SEth from Race to Witch Mountain

You are 27% likely to murder someone!

Your a pretty good person. You get mad sometimes, but you would never hurt anyone, right? Just smile and be happy. I think your normal. Now, dont take drugs...

How Likely Are You To Murder Someone?
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What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Personality

Your best quality is your personality! People like you because you are an all around good person. You have good manners and values. You also like to express your personal style and interests.

Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

still a child at heart...